Rumi Forum's blog on Hizmet, Fethullah Gulen, peacebuilding, education and interfaith efforts.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Rumi Forum Summer 2014 Trips

Rumi Forum organized four study trips during the summer with the mission of learning more about the political, economic, social and cultural life in Turkey.

Truman Fellows at STRATIM in Ankara
Rumi Forum Fellows Trips took place in May and June, where PhD Students around the DC region had a chance to visit Turkey and write articles based on their experience. Participants from Georgetown University, Howard University, Catholic University of America, Virginia Tech, Old Dominion University and Trinity DC visited many cities including Istanbul, Izmir and Gaziantep where they had opportunities to meet with journalists, scholars, academics, young professionals and businessmen to discuss Turkey related issues. See the articles from the previous year here.

Rumi Forum also organized a trip to Kyrgyzstan and Turkey in June with participants from Think tanks, universities and NGOs in Washington DC. The participants had a chance to meet with politicians, journalists, educators, NGO leaders and scholars in both countries.

Rumi Forum with Truman National Security Project Fellows continued in 2014 with a media group. The fellows visited Syrian refugees in Gaziantep which inspired the Rally for Refugees campaign.

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